The digital newspaper VolkskrantNow read the Times, the authoritative newspaper of sitting every day on top of the news with sharp reports, in-depth interviews and stunning photography; a guide through the world and the Netherlands, but with an eye for the gay side of life.* You choose yourself how you want to read the Volkskrant: if it is the printed newspaper, or a product in a simple text and image version. You can zoom in on pages, articles and images.* You choose yourself how you read, the layout of the printed newspaper, or an article in a simple text and image version.Your digital newspaper is thanks to automatically download every morning ready.* Newspaper missed? No problem. You can always read the papers last week.* You can first download the newspaper and later reading offline. Convenient for travel or vacation.Those who subscribed to the Volkskrant (hard copy or digital newspaper), read with this app free newspaper. Do not know how to sign in or have forgotten your login details, please contact our reader service: +31 88 056 15 61 (during office hours).If you are not a subscriber, you may purchase the digital newspaper via your Google Play account. You can buy a weekly newspaper a day for € 1.99 or a weekend newspaper for € 2.99.